Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smoking Breakthrough

I did wonder if ever I'll be able to stop smoking cigarette, I think we need is just a proper mindset for us to enable to do it. I decided to go with the long procedure. I mean my procedure that I had in mind is to reduce the quantity of cigarettes consumed per day.

It sounds pretty easy, what I did to track my cigarette consumption is to buy a pack of my brand of cigarette in one day, and that is all I have to smoke in a day, I should have not buy after that that is why I keep counting on what's left in a pack, it must have at least 1 remaining before going to sleep. I'm not really serious at first but I did set the right target because it is doable.

Yesterday, was a normal day but to my surprise when I looked at my cigarette pack I saw a leftover from yesterday, I only consumed half of it. I did have something that led me away to smoke much, I think it was the consistency of my kid, who always ask me to play with him (hhmmm!). Well, I'll still continue the reduction process until I can finally quit smoking. It is a slow process and still don't know if it will work for me but I'll work on that. It is better than doing nothing and feel sorry in the end. We can still Quit smoking!

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