Wednesday, April 29, 2009

All Smokers want to Quit Smoking

We all heard and saw all sorts of campaign pertaining to negative effect of smoking by government, health institute, and there's even a warning labeled right in front of a cigarette pack (Wow! cigarette manufacturers do care to!). But there's no stopping cigarette smoking, there are more young people (even younger nowadays) that are starting to smoke than the ones dying from it.

To quit smoking once you're hooked into (or addictive-a more powerful term) is not easy, believe me I'm a cigarette smoker too and its been my 3 years New Years resolution to stop smoking on my 12 years of polluting my body and the environment (just like all my resolution, Jeez!). But I think its never too late (I think!), self motivation I think is the key to this quit smoking thing and that's what I'm about to do. Kill the smokers, oops! I mean the smoking.