Well! this might catch some fear on you! (It did some to me!), I bet quitting cigarette smoking will cross your mind again. I saw this on a TV shows which features a cigarette smoking related disease. It is called a Buerger's disease (it is pronounce as burger, that one is yummy, this is not!). Guess what? This type of disease is exclusive to smokers only (damn!), it start with hands or feet getting in pain (actual interview on a patient says that it is painful!), actually blood is not in good circulation in these parts of the body which doctors think that it is cause by some ingredient in tobacco, particularly on cigarettes (yikes!).
Bad condition of this will result to the development of Gangrene (look at photos above) and unbearable pain. You know what? amputation is the final result on this situation (more yikes!). well it won't kill you instantly but it will tear you apart piece by piece literally.
Guess again, the only treatment for Buerger's disease is a complete stop on smoking and nothing else. Let's Quit Smoking!
That is NASTY. A lot of people think that quitting smoking is just about lung cancer but this is a good example of another nasty problem.