Sunday, May 31, 2009

All About Quit Smoking Systems!

Quit smoking is indeed hard so it is essential to take some help and advice. If you have taken the decision of quitting smoking but you are finding ways which can help you then the good news is that you can employ some of the best methods which have gained immense success in eradicating smoking. Every one knows about the health risks attached with this addictive smoking habit but often people gets failure in quitting it because of the nicotine carving and withdrawal symptoms which make their life disgusting and hell. Not only the health hazards, smoking also makes you waste hell lot of money from your pocket which can be used for some constructive purposes.

Therefore one has several reasons to quit smoke. However the biggest challenge for any quitter is the undesired and irritable symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal. It has been seen that when a smoker quirts smoking then the after effects of quitting makes its really difficult for him to survive without cigarettes. This is because the body is habitual of getting nicotine intake and it the absence of it, the body responds in a different way. If you are a chain smoker and thinks that quitting smoking by using cold turkey will do the trick then you are highly mistaken as it will become really difficult for you to tolerate the withdrawal symptoms which ultimately lead you towards anxiety.

A good option is to combine cold turkey with natural therapies for favorable results. Some of the other methods which can be used to quit smoking are herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis and many others. If we talk about the conventional treatment options, then nicotine replacement therapies are popular. This will help in eradicating smoking habit by replacing it with nicotine present in patches or gum which is not addictive and harmful. In this way you will slowly and gradually stop smoking dangerous cigarettes.

However one must remember that no one quit smoking system works for all individuals as each individual is different in terms of nervous system and body. One of the other quit smoking program which has gained popularity in recent times is cig-arette smoking cessation. This system consists of herbal ingredients which target the withdrawal symptoms thus giving you strength to quit the smoking habit. The system does not believe in testing the patience of smoker unlike other methods and claims to give favorable results within a week. So a smoker doesn’t have to wait too long to live a smoke free life.

All the above discussed methods can be used to say bye-bye to smoking but consult your doctor to get your smoking habit and your body analyzed so that he can suggest you the right quit smoking system readily acceptable by your body.

By: Rashidhussain

Article Directory:

Smoking can be eradicated by employing two things, a perfect quit smoking system and determined mind. Unless your mind is not prepared to stop smoking, your body will not respond in a positive manner.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Safe Cigarettes for Smoking?

Quit Smoking! I do wonder whether Lights, Ultra Lights and menthol cigarettes are safer than a full flavored cigarettes. Because I did switch to a lights brand of my cigarette, hoping to lessen the effect of cigarette smoking to my health and to eventually help me Quit Smoking, but do they. What are lights cigarettes? Do they really differ in a full flavored one in terms of smoking caused diseases?

These are the differences of lights to full flavored:

  • Physical appearance
  1. lights filters cover is color white, full flavored arecork-patterned paper.
  2. lights filters have tiny pin holes they called filter vents.
  3. Tobacco content (and chemicals of course) are same in quantity for lights and full flavored.

  • Smoking Effects
  1. lights cigarettes burned faster, I guess because of the paper.
  2. lights cigarettes are less irritation to throat, because of the filter vents it is supposed to dilute the smoke with air that causes it to be less dense.
  3. with lights cigarettes, more number of cigarettes will be consumed because less nicotine are taken and smoker will tend to satisfy their (our) cravings.
Even though there are claims that lights cigarettes are less harmful than a full flavored one or just a marketing strategy of the cigarette manufacturer. In reality there is really none, it
just feels more OK but it will just result to a more cigarette consumption to compensate the craving for nicotine. There is non that I know of a scientific or medical evidence that light cigarettes has less risk in developing cigarette smoking diseases, and never even heard of lights cigarettes can help someone to Quit smoking.

As for me, I will still stick to lights cigarette (i just like it!) and concentrate on lessening my consumption per day, until I can get finally on Quitting cigarette Smoking. Kill smoking cigarettes should be the ultimate goal!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hayde Kho and Katrina Halili - Smokin' download

There has been a some sort of Pandemic in the Philippines right now, good thing it's not a cigarette smoking issue, its not even a virus, although there's an alleged H1N1 flu case that the government is monitoring or at least 3 people in the government do (LOL!). The rest is in the hype of the Dr. Hayden Kho (Celebrity doctor) and Katrina Halili (Actress) sex scandal issue. When I first heard of this gossip, I thought it was a publicity gimmick but not until someone uploaded it in the net, and blogs featured some images of it.

And it was smokin' hot in some, if not the majority of Torrent sites, where seeding and leeching is at its best. But to my surprised it's not just Katrina, there were other video clips involving 2 other girls ( a brazilian model and a commercial model - named Maricar)and there is still to come!. Yup! it is the doctors own private collection of his sexcapade via a hidden camera (or should we say Hayden camera!), Judging from what I seen, Hayden Kho (omitted title Dr.- 'cause he is now a famous pornstar, LOL!), needs to do is set-up a porn studio (non -smoking studio) and do what he loves to do, he has all the talent, he can be the director, producer, and of course the star, they could do it with a backgroung of Stop Smoking sign (that's never been done, LOL!). Or he could go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

According to News the Private collection of Hayden was taken from his laptop, where his former girlfriend Dr. V. Belo ask a friend (2) to delete the files of their sex video, they have one too!?. And the rest is history, a scandal has spread over the net and celphones, and the poor girls were exposed. The best thing about this issue is that politicians jump right in the scandal issue (2 senators are former actors) as if there are no other bigger issue our country is facing, they even spend hours on this senate hearing about the scandal. I don't have a slight idea of what their hearing is headin' on but I guess its going nowhere. Other issue will kill it and the scandal issue will die (no one will go to jail), the girls will be traumatized and people will forget about it. That how it has always been. Its like a cigarette that is consumed, smoke will fade and then another cigarette get light up and another smoke emerges. As for the cast of this scandal don't try to smoke cigarettes to much out of depression, its not healthy. And once again Quit smoking!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smoking Breakthrough

I did wonder if ever I'll be able to stop smoking cigarette, I think we need is just a proper mindset for us to enable to do it. I decided to go with the long procedure. I mean my procedure that I had in mind is to reduce the quantity of cigarettes consumed per day.

It sounds pretty easy, what I did to track my cigarette consumption is to buy a pack of my brand of cigarette in one day, and that is all I have to smoke in a day, I should have not buy after that that is why I keep counting on what's left in a pack, it must have at least 1 remaining before going to sleep. I'm not really serious at first but I did set the right target because it is doable.

Yesterday, was a normal day but to my surprise when I looked at my cigarette pack I saw a leftover from yesterday, I only consumed half of it. I did have something that led me away to smoke much, I think it was the consistency of my kid, who always ask me to play with him (hhmmm!). Well, I'll still continue the reduction process until I can finally quit smoking. It is a slow process and still don't know if it will work for me but I'll work on that. It is better than doing nothing and feel sorry in the end. We can still Quit smoking!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cigarette Content

"Stop smoking Harmful chemical"- it a good slogan but I think it is too long. Although most people already knew that nicotine is the prime substance in a cigarette, few people only realize that nicotine is just a part of something really huge variety of harmful substance specially when a cigarettes are burned and smoked. Usually a smoking person does not even bother what they are into (from my own experience, I didn't care at first) or what they are inhaling. But in an age of internet domination every information is available to anyone. how about checking my dear friend google, as you would guess there are almost infinite information on this. Others are even hilarious in writing about cigarettes stuff (that's cool!), although quit smoking issue is a serious one, it never hurts to give it some humor maybe it will reach some people.

In a cigarettes it contains a dried tobacco, which is then mixed with a variety of chemical and ingredients. according to wikipedia it contains an unimaginable 4,000 chemicals (whey!) and that is enormously many and the best news it that some of that are toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Of course the content of this chemicals vary on the flavor and the brand of a cigarette.

I found this illustration for the purpose of easy viewing of the substance/chemical of a single cigarette, I decided to put this image on this blog for a reminder. If we quit smoking, we reduce chances that it will never enter our body that may cause health complication in the future.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cigarette Smoking and Nicotine

If we are to tackle something in our lives it is best that we get useful information as much as possible, just like we do in work, whatever work you are in. Basketball is a profession (it just came into my my mind because it is the NBA playoffs), if you watch basketball you know that a certain team that win don't just play the ball, the whole team studies their opposite teams through videos and statistics, and they make the right plays and preparation in order to win. You have to know something on you opponent to win and have the advantage.

In order to quit smoking, we too should have an ample of information to have the ability to be successful, for me this blog is information gathering to help myself and others. Did you know that there are thousand of information available regarding cigarette smoking, it just not registers to everybody's brain. I do some reading from time to time on quit smoking stuff, and I like to share this topic about Nicotine, the most popular substance of a cigarette (although I found out that there are plenty more hazardous substance in it). It is from an E-book which is free, it never hurts to know something beneficial to kill smoking.

Nicotine creates a biochemical reaction in your body that has an immediate effect on your mood, your ability to reason, and your metabolism. Even if you only smoke a few cigarettes a day, you do feel so bad when you try to quit? The more that you smoke, the higher level of chemical dependency will be reached. Light smokers can also become just as dependent on cigarettes because of nicotine’s psychological impact. In this way it can affect moods and feelings in certain situations.

It is only a matter of seconds after that first puff that nicotine starts to have an effect on your central nervous system, and the rest of your body. Certain areas of the brain, when stimulated by nicotine, help you think more clearly. Other areas of the brain lie in a pleasure center which when stimulated can make you feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Nicotine also affects the hormones produced by the body, which creates a chemical dependency to nicotine and the accompanying craving. Heavy smokers have become dependent on heightened levels of hormones, stimulated by nicotine, which can have an addictive quality. They need a cigarette at certain intervals of time. After the stimulation of the hormones starts to fall, they need another cigarette to bring them back into the comfort zone. If they do not get that cigarette, the craving begins.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Smoking video with scary narrator

Good day! I found this simple video on cigarette smoking, in which an experiment is done to show what could have gotten to our lungs after a single puff of smoke. The experiment uses a table napkin to view a possible outcome. Watching this kind of videos really makes you have a second thought on smoking.

The narrator of the video even spoke electronically, I think he damage his throat. I bet he is a heavy smoker who was force to quit smoking cigarette because of his severe condition. He warns every cigarette smoker to stop smoking. Just watch it! Hope this come through to all of our senses, and make the best decision before it it too late!

Quit Smoking -

Friday, May 22, 2009

Cigarette Smoking Instant Cure

Are you looking for an instant stop smoking scheme, I found one (LOL!).
Last night I saw an old film titled Constantine, it starred Keanu Reeves as a Paranormal psychic or whatever they call it. Anyway in this film he perform exorcism to people with devils inside them.

Aside from being a some sort of psychic, he is also a heavy smoker in this film and that he is in really bad shape because his doctors told him that he will die anytime soon because of the severed lung problem he got from smoking cigarettes (nothing's new!), but that did not urge him to quit smoking he even continue to smoke in front of the doctor (some bad ass!).
The main plot of the story is that Constantine is buying or hoping for consideration for his way to heaven by sending demons to hell, cause he is doomed to be in hell and that Lucifer itself will be the one to claim him once he died which will be sooner because of his cigarette smoking.

What makes me fond of this story is that Constantine did recover from his lung problem, Lucifer cured the wrist slashes and took off that dirt-like (some kind of a muddy oil) from his chest in an attempt to make him live (cause at that scenario he was about to go to heaven - self sacrifice made the heaven change their minds), He did it so that Constantine have to prove he's worthy of
going to heaven and also there is a chance that he will go to hell, where Lucifer wants to.

I like the end scene where you thought that he is about to light a cigarette but he chewed a gum instead, he has to die before he realize to take care of his health, fortunately he did stop smoking. Well, it is a good movie that might get you a second thought on cigarette smoking but I don't think that there will be a divine intervention when you're about to die in real life due to
cigarette smoking and it is late to realize. Our only chance is to think positive and stop smoking as soon as possible.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A vacation equals more smoking

I got some vacation, it is actually a go-to-province trip to spend some time with friends and relatives. it was quite a good one for the family, actually it is my wife's province, and with her relatives we did some of the stuff that men do, we drink! We almost drank every other day and of course you know what usually happens to a smoker during a drinking session. I got lost of tracking how many cigarettes I have consumed and I presumed it is pretty darn many.

I really don't know what's with this beer drinking , or whatever drinks that makes you drunk goes hand-in-hand with cigarette smoking (at least for me, that's one of my problem!), some of my drinking buddies then don't even smoke, others do also. And as much as I remember (in one instance), I even smoke their brand of cigarette which I don't usually like (we are of different brand of cigarettes) 'cause I have consumed mine and it is a pack (whey!). Well, I guess I've lost control, that what being drunk is.

why did I smoke that much:
  • I have a drinking buddy who smoke that much
  • It feels good while drinking but not in the morning (you can feel you're chest complaining!)
  • They even light a cigarette for me (how thoughtful! or evil LOL!)
  • I forgot that I have a self-project on Quit smoking
Well, at least it is over now, and can get back to work on cutting those cigarettes consumption per day. I normally drink with my friend at least once per month (that one has to be monitored!). One lesson I found, is that you always got to have control of yourselves before its too late, Control is the Key. I think if we can fully control ourselves that is the best start on quitting cigarette smoking. Lets look for that control not the TV remote control.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Smoking during Pregnancy

The scene of looking at a pregnant smoker is a nuisance to me, it gives a very wrong impression to other people (young and adults) of being careless and selfish (not that they doesn't share their cigarettes but their sharing it the wrong way). Well I'm not sure, but I think having that kind of situation (being pregnant) gives some, if not, enough motivation to stop smoking (life is at stake!), or at least for the pregnancy period (I don't know if that is possible).

Considering it gives health problem to adults what more to an unborn baby. I'm not a doctor but it is pretty obvious that the unborn child will likely to get oxygen, blood and other nutrients from his mother's intake and with cigarette smoking, you'll also pass the harmful chemicals such as nicotine and etc., that eventually you'll also deal later (who else!). For pregnant smokers kindly give it a thought and some consideration, to protect the health of your baby and you. Don't take the risk!

I've took some notes on some harmful effect that smoking cigarette during pregnancy can incur:
  • Miscarriage
  • Harmful chemical pass to unborn baby is cancerous
  • Congenital defects in the baby - such as cleft palate
  • The born baby has a high possibility of having health and development problem (both physical and mental)
  • The risk of Stillbirth or death within the first week of life
Hope this helps/warns pregnant smoker on making up their mind. Quit Smoking!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To our Great Mothers

Last Sunday was a celebrated day to all mothers, it is a great way to recognize them. It is called Mother's Day. We all may have different mothers but one thing for sure they really do care a lot to all their sons and daughters, in all their different ways. I don't live with my parents, I do have a family now and we celebrate it (my wife and son) by going out. We strolled on a Mall, while greeting our parents on the celebrated day through our cellphone. Good thing there's a cellphone they have become a necessary device rather than just a necessity. I've refrain smoking on the mall cause it is not allowed and I was busy sight-seeing, these are the times when I get to limit my nicotine intake (good for me!).

I remember the first time my Mother saw me smoking a cigarette, although I did smoke some during college days but it was when I am already working that she get to formally saw me ( it was intentional, see MoM I'm a grown up, LOL!). My mother was not infuriated by that, I think because my father also smoke cigarettes-once a chain smoker but already quit, age and health almost caught up on him, but she's kinda disappointed, she just made a tiger look on Dad as if saying "it must be your fault". But you know mothers they can really get to your skin, every time we met (that is on occasions only), there would be a non-stop motherly advice on quitting to smoke, and some scary stories that she would always brought up related to cigarette smoking, you know what they say "Mother's knows best!".

Listening to our mothers is not always a nag, I remember my father saying that you'll fully understand when you grow up. Yes, I understand now, the need of a mother that we normally take for granted, they are the person that will really come running when we are in trouble on whatever age you are, I really Love my Mother. I did make her proud, I graduated from college and now working and living on my own. I think I would make her prouder if I could just show her that I've stop smoking, that would really put a smile on my Family and to my MOM.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reponsible Smoker?

Hope there are many. We know that smoking is bad for our health, yet we still love to smoke cigarettes (well! it's a choice of dying!). But smoking can also harm others, in case you don't mind, there is a term second hand smoking. You see, you're smoke are eventually inhaled by others around you and are most probably in high risk of having the diseases cause by smoking than you are.

When smoking, be responsible, its our choice in the first place not theirs, so don't inflict harm on the innocent unless you're a terrorist. As what I've notice terrorist loves to terrorize the people who are helpless (can't fight back) and innocent, how about they terrorize themselves, that would be very fun or terrorize other terrorist location, much entertaining, LOL! (it's just my 2 cents).

All I'm pointing out is be a responsible smoker (yeah! talk about responsibility), just be considerate to others (yes! we can). I smoke too, but I really hate seeing a pregnant woman smoking (Jeezh!), I mean, how can she be a responsible mother to her baby, when she doesn't care on the first place. Too all smokers, specially the pregnant one, if you care less of your self, give some little care on others, specially your family.

How about this self inflicted rule:
  • don't smoke on public places (specially with no smoking sign)
  • avoid smoking in front of children
  • avoid smoking in places where pregnant and old persons are around
  • for pregnant women, please don't smoke a cigarette or even try one
  • After smoking completely put off the cigarette burn and throw it in a trash (I've experience this one, the trash got burning because of some tissue)
  • don't convince others to smoke or try to give them one (you are not death! I hope)
  • how about thinking of quitting cigarette smoking (I've got that one mark on my brain)
Quit smoking is the best thing we can do, it will improve our lives and health and others too!. It's never too late to quit, how about attempting not to smoke, well that's a good start. we all have to start onto something, I'm starting, I'm just not there yet!

Friday, May 8, 2009

How hard can it be?

If you are a long time cigarette smoker, I mean at least for 10 years now. it will be hard to Quit Smoking and it is very hard I've tried it but no avail. I got a record of no cigarette smoking for 2 days and that is because I'm very sick . How come it is easy to kill ourselves with cigarette smoking and hard to get rid of it?, we should think of the opposite.
We all might find this useful it is much more comprehensive, I've read it on an e-book I downloaded from a torrent (hope, you know what I mean).

Look at the following Reasons for Quitting: -
  • You will live longer and live better.
  • Become a high-energy person without cigarettes
  • Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack
  • Reduce the chance of Cancers of the lung, mouth and throat
  • Relax and enjoy the pleasure of relaxation without cigarettes.
  • Deal with your tensions without a cigarette.
  • If you are pregnant women, this will improve chances of having a healthy baby.
  • The people you live with, especially family members will be healthier.
  • Save money.
Searching the internet gives you a lot of information on quitting cigarettes smoking, that's what I do in spare time get some necessary tool (information) to have a success on this before setting a time to quit, it might be not now but Ill do it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kill Smoking or Get a Buerger!

Well! this might catch some fear on you! (It did some to me!), I bet quitting cigarette smoking will cross your mind again. I saw this on a TV shows which features a cigarette smoking related disease. It is called a Buerger's disease (it is pronounce as burger, that one is yummy, this is not!). Guess what? This type of disease is exclusive to smokers only (damn!), it start with hands or feet getting in pain (actual interview on a patient says that it is painful!), actually blood is not in good circulation in these parts of the body which doctors think that it is cause by some ingredient in tobacco, particularly on cigarettes (yikes!).

Bad condition of this will result to the development of Gangrene (look at photos above) and unbearable pain. You know what? amputation is the final result on this situation (more yikes!). well it won't kill you instantly but it will tear you apart piece by piece literally.

Guess again, the only treatment for Buerger's disease is a complete stop on smoking and nothing else. Let's Quit Smoking!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is there an Ultimate way to Stop Smoking?

There are claims that there is, but if you ask me, there's no ultimate way to stop smoking (not that I've tried any). Every person is different and a way that might be effective to one person might not be to other or chances are very low. Ask some people you know who stop smoking (if you know one) of how they did it, chances are you also get a different motivation and answers. Fortunately I know one person who Quit Smoking, but unfortunately he's very sick right now.

There are available medications that claim can help you Quit smoking in no time, some I think have been trying that, although I saw in one news that some "quit smoking medications" makes you insane (I think that brand was banned already), some goes to religion and while others just did it because their dying (that's not what I wanted!) or want to recover from their health. And there a some instance that they just did it by themselves (pure will!)

Some smokers wants to stop smoking but their not totally serious, deep inside we have some dumb reasons. Getting fat, that's one issue although I don't think Nicotine has got something to do with that, and others just don't want to give up their coolness (Cool to be Dead! LOL!). Finding the best way to stop smoking is for every smokers to find out, it can be discovered more easily by people who have a stronger character (I'm trying to build that character!), this is why many find quitting the hardest thing they've ever tried while others say that they simply quit without medication or any other help.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reason to Quit Smoking

Besides from not wanting to die, of course we all are familiar with the effect, mainly through our respiratory system, there's mouth, throat, larynx and the lung that are all prone to cancer, also prone to stroke and other heart diseases.

Why not look at it at a monetary side, yes! you can save a lot,if you count in years and the years to come (it won't make you a millionaire - I hope so.). The money saved can be beneficial to you (just don't use it to by a pot!), calculate it yourself (cause I did - and from my computation, I could have be buying now a handsome digital camera!).

One day I left my pack of cigarette on our couch, when I get back I saw my five year old son sticking a cigarette on his mouth, of course I took it back and ask him not to cause it is bad (I didn't say it kills that too horrifying!). like any other child at that age would question why are you doing it if its bad, I just answer that I was bad but now trying to be good (I'd be quitting smoking!), then I open the TV to cartoons so that he may forget it (he will, he's just 5). I came to realize that the major factors that minors get the Idea of smoking is from adults smokers whom they know (neighbors, relatives, etc) and who didn't even realize that they are the no.1 advertiser and promoter of cigarette smoking. I tried to hide smoking cigarette to kids, but I think its no good. it just got to stop, when? I still don't know, but its never too late and we might save some minors going through it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friends and Doctor

For all cigarette smokers out there (including me!), if you're not gonna stop smoking eventually it will kill you unless you die of another cause (lucky you!), it will caught up on us. Better do something before it hits you!. Yeah, we all have some dumb reason why we continue smoking, why did I even start? let me see, oh yes! at first I thought that it was cool, well it is still cool smoking around with my peers (some of them smoke too) specially during a Friday night drinking session smoking is endless. I started at the end year of my college, 1 stick from a friend turns to 2 then 3, then I started buying a pack for myself. When I started to work there's even a smoking room for all damn smokers, smoking continues while chatting during a coffee break with a cigarette. All at the smoking room (or death chamber, yikes!) feels more masculine and smart (LOL!). Not even a slightest fear of what cigarette smoking can bring us, there are sort of dumber excuse that smoking can't affect them (so they say).
  • they exercise a lot, toxins are washed away by sweat
  • they drink a lot of water
  • they took vitamins (vitamin C or ascorbic)
  • they eat a lot of fruits
  • And the best one is, their Grandfather died after quiting smoking
It is all a lame excuse smoking cigarettes is smoking and that's period. I've once talk to a doctor (a cardiologist) who is looking after my blood pressure, he ask me if I smoke, I said yeah, and to cover my guilt, I said well I used to smoke a pack a day now it's just 10 sticks/day, his reply is not some kind of a doctor-like, he didn't say quit smoking now!. The good doctor says " It doesn't matter, One day you'll just stop smoking", then I asked how's that? he told me that "one day you would not be able to light a cigarette because of a stroke!" (what a motivation! and a bummer!). Well I get what he's trying to say that it is all up to me to quit smoking. Just like any other AD campaign they are just reminding us.