Why does the majority of cigarettes smokers who tried to quit smoking failed, one could say that it is because they don't really want to because only their conscience is willing but the real person is really not up to it. for non-smokers it is easy to comment on this situation, but for a long time cigarette smoker to totally stop smoking cigarettes is somewhat a big deal (damned that nicotine addiction!). You can't just flick your finger (magic don't work here!), then presto the habit is gone. Why can't magicians try this trick, maybe because the only thing they can do to disappear is the cigarette and probably got smack in the face for doing that (LOL!).
While most of us know why most failed even though there are tons of book, e-books, and products (medical or electronic) to help someone smoking. Let's check out on why others
succeed. What I mean by the success on cigarette smoking is that they are able to totally quit smoking. I did an earlier post that person with a strong will to quit will have a better chance on succeeding, I think a 50-50 chance. but there is an additional factor to increase this chance, and that is planning and preparing.
The combination of strong will, planning ang preparing must be the right way. Do you have these on your recipe? This is how I think this process should work:
- Of course you must have a Strong will to quit (look for a good reason for you to quit smoking - there are millions)
- Plan on how to execute it. whether you are getting some help through doctors or some gadgets and maybe naturally, you must have a plan. Make a checksheets and progress chart that suits you, by this you may know ahead of you plan the success rate for your plan.
- Prepare yourself. there will be some obstacles or hindrance in this process but if your prepared you just can go around it.
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